Sergey Saveliev

Big boobs against the power of evil

The new text for our column #Tittygram_educated

Man was created absolutely naked. He didn’t need clothes for a long time, as the Bible tells us. Researchers of evolution also make us sure that the first people at the very beginning of their existence didn’t want to hide their nudity. Naked body and naked boobs was associated with the symbol of connection with nature, as a similarity with child’s clear open-mindedness. Adam and Eva felt the necessity of clothes for the first time right after the sinning. They learnt to feel shame, to suffer and to grow old - from these problems they wanted to hide under thick animals’ skins.

That people who are for history-jurisdiction approach think the start of costume wearing is at the period from 100 to 50 thousand years BC. The main reason was a migration of ancient tribes from a warm climate zone. Clothes had become a necessary tool of protection from cold and potential injuries.

As we see from different points a nudity has never been reflected by people as something banal. On the contrary, a naked body, especially female, was chanted as a superposition of all ideals, as the crown of creation, which could be just admired. On the first Olympic Games in Ancient Greece all the athletes were naked. The main object of all kind of Art that time (visual art, sculpture, poetry) was the man’s body. People saw in their bodies the God’s beginning, saw their connection with something absolute, independent from troubles of usual life. Antique sculptors often made statues of naked women with big tits and hips. It was normal!

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After that period people’s moral rules became stronger. Middle Ages formed its rules of hyper morality, which by the way, didn’t prevent the Titans of art admiring the beauty of naked female nature. The main theme became the mother breastfeeding her child (it often had a religious foundation).

Later the relation to a nudity(and women at all) had hardly changed. In opinion of adherents lynching female beauty had an extremely mysterious and vicious nature. Beautiful women of the seventeenth - the nineteenth centuries had to mask from superstitious views of people who had a power to commit a brutal massacre without any judgement. Right this historical period entered the taboo against any sincerity in clothing. It had become also impossible to demonstrate any physical perfection for many years. Naked boobs was absolutely banned! It is so terribly!

Fortunately, the beginning of the twentieth century looked at this question from the other point. The proverb came to our life: “There is a healthy soul in a healthy body”. This idea gives us rather exact opinion of society about a balance between physical and spiritual values of modern person. Today athletic body is popular, social networks are full of photos of beautiful girls with beautiful tits and booty and delighted comments. There are lots of popular models, actresses on the world TV, which are not afraid to demonstrate their strong qualities.

The prejudices were seemed to be defeated, and a bright future is coming at last! But No! Nowadays many people suffer from deliberate monotony of usual life. They are shackled by their timetable, they have no time on Holiday! Today it is very important to value any reason for giving a present, a happiness and a good mood as it has never been.

Fortunately, we have a bold present for you, which is beautiful by its provocation - the birthday boobs from Tittygram! Send your friend the Tittygram photo! This step will concentrate his attention on important things and will make an injection of clear happiness and joy. It will allow him to look at the world with a new optimistic view! Just write your message on our boobs)

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